about Seattle

I’m on a Boat*

Yacht a la canal
*I wish!

Every day I see ships float by, from my perch. During my weekly walk to the Skillet today I noticed this high roller. The ship canal is frequented by canoes, kayaks, barges, tourist boats, and other Seattle-y whatnot, but the yacht is a little less common at a handful a day. Thanks to Andy Samberg, nowadays I start humming the “I’m on a Boat” song to myself when I see these yachtees.

Tonight, I met up with an old friend. We go way back to our days as legislative interns at the Utah State Capitol. I’ve missed her in the 13 years since we’ve seen each other. So much has happened…we spent 5 hours catching up at Brouwer’s.

It was really great to see her again.

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