about Seattle

H&M Hold-Out

Scarf! H&M.
Weeks before the current international financial crisis, I got consumerism burnout due to unintentional fall fashion overexposure. I had a Strategy, yet ended up being mildly disgusted by all the consumption in one fell swoop despite personal affordability. I am recovering, lessons learned. Oh, the limits to my Americanism. It’s cool if you like shopping. We can still be friends and there’s a good chance I’ll go with you. No doubt, I’ll still dabble.

This burnout coincided with the advent of the U-Village H&M — I’d been waiting for years for its Seattle arrival. I love it and make a beeline when traveling elsewhere, always a foreign travel perk if there’s ever additional need for one. Mr. T the anti-shopper is always patient with this; it is another thing I love about him, item #2237. He has apparently become an anti-consumer Influence.

I’d showed up at U-Village to return something elsewhere on Friday and never made it past H&M. I finally had the option at an H&M to buy/return, so I picked up some “maybes.” Yes, genius on the part of American retailers, cause it gets ya back in store again. And again. Onto Tuesday night, today. I had a return tonight on my way home. This caught my eye, but I held off. Only $12, but Winter White! I’d kill it.

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